Best Management Institute
for 100% Placement


Best Management Institute
for 100% Placement


Admissions Open For
January 2022 Session
Admissions Open For January 2022 Session


Creating tradition of 100% success ...
IEMS Soul aim


Creating Tradition Of 100% Success ... IEMS Soul Aim


Special Scholarship For
Covid Affected Students


Special Scholarship For
Covid Affected Students
Session January 2022 Batch


Admission Open For One
Year Program In
Entrepreneurship & Management


The soul aim of the Institute is to provide training, research and consultancy
activities in Small and Micro Enterprises (SME),with special focus on
Entrepreneurship Development.
Admission Open For One Year Program In
Entrepreneurship & Management

IEMS – Biggest Online Campus Institution

Our Accreditations

All our visiting faculty members are highly experienced and are professionally engaged either as an academician or as a senior member in some corporation. IEMS has always believed that two of the most significant differentiating factors which make any institute stand out from the rest in the higher learning domain are its courseware and its faculty members.  IEMS  already has the most innovative, the widest and the most indepth research-driven course-content. But having a great course alone could never be a sufficient condition for an institute to be regarded the best, until and unless it has a pool of individuals, who are extremely passionate while teaching, committed to the well-being of the students and highly self-motivated to drive in the same kind of energy and passion in their students. Hence,  IEMS  takes extreme care while empanelling new faculty members, and hence, we have the most competent set of professionals on the job today.

Even administration and IT team of IEMS gives all efforts to ensure effectivity and quality of classes given to IEMS students .. We ensure to create productivity of online classes more than offline classes …

In addition to the great team of visiting faculty members, IEMS has an equally talented set of permanent faculty members. Most of these permanent faculty members are young and robust who bring in a high degree of energy and enthusiasm in the lectures they take. They join the institute as a research associate, engaged in various research and consulting activities in different functional domains. After spending around 2-3 years in research or consulting projects, they gradually get engaged in the institute as a lecturer in their areas of expertise. 


Additionally, as a part of our Global  Programme (one of the most innovative ONLINE academic programmes designed in India)  IEMS  ensures that every student gets an opportunity to be taught by the finest faculty members from the best universities in the world. During their visit, these faculty members also interact with the respective academic deans at the  IEMS ONLINE campuses to discuss various means to incorporate latest research findings in the academic content of the specialized courses taught at  IEMS 


Our Top Recruiters

Corporate Speaks

IEMS Located at the Millennium City of India -Vaishali