Placement … Back Bone Of Any Professional Program


In current situation of education system its old school talk to just accept education in form of papers without getting any productive form of skills and qualifications .. IEMS Institute Of Entrepreneurship And Management Studies is working at the same psychology and Ideology … IEMS Institute Of Entrepreneurship And Management Studies giving all endeavors to create productivity in term of placement for each and every enrolled student of IEMS Institute Of Entrepreneurship And Management Studies … In manner to understand importance of placement in professional courses like IEMS offering is become important to understand why student join courses like that,,….. student do not join these programs just to have a piece of paper they join with a dream to work in better working atmosphere … But when after completion of education even we can say expensive education student do not get any placement he/she feel foolish paper in hand …. Why Institutions are not fully responsible for each and every student placement in equal manner .. IEMS Institute Of Entrepreneurship And Management Studies feels same to each and every student and take fully responsibility for the initial placement of every student …

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